Sunday, November 28, 2010

The First Snow

It's been snowing here very heavily for the past 2 hours and the snow is about 3 inches on the ground. Donnacha was out making a snowman by himself and got help from some drunk people walking home and a car pulled over to take a photo! I took some photos which I will show you tomorrow. As much as I'm not a fan of the cold weather, there is something magical about snow falling. We actually had the first snow of the Winter last night at around 4am aswell as a thunder storm.

This was the park beside St. Patrick's Cathedral today

It has been so cold these past few days but I managed to get some more Christmas shopping done. I'd say I have about a third of it still left to do, and that's all the people who I find very difficult to buy for like my grandparents. I have to admit, I do love Christmas shopping, not the crowds and long queues but getting someone something you know they will love. Oh and wrapping the presents, I love that too!

Today after doing some shopping we went to see Robert Rodriguez's Machete. I love his other films so I was looking forward to this and it was pretty good, not his best but I enjoyed it.

So here are the unedited funny face photos from the other day that I promised you, you'll get to see my goofy side, which if you know me well is a big part of me!

I can be quite the messer when I want to be, just as Donnacha!

So I got my hair done again yesterday. It only took an hour for the semi-permanent colour and blow dry and it cost less than I thought it would so all in all a good experience! It's great to have my colour freshened up and to have the vibrancy put back into it. I probably won't get in done again until the end of January and hopefully then I'll be able to get it lighter (that's if I still want to). Here are some photos just to show you the colour now;

This is a bit darker than the actual colour, it's hard to tell what it's like indoors at night with a flash

The hairdresser blow dryed my hair curly with Morrocan Oil, it smells amazing and makes my hair so shiny!

I told you about Donnacha's dog being sick during the week and unfortunately he had to be put into a permanent sleep last night. Donnacha is just happy that he got to say goodbye and that Snapper isn't in any pain anymore, but it's not going to be the same in his house anymore without him. It's amazing how much an animal can become part of your life.

On a happier note I have been planning a special treat for you guys! I've been collecting some items for my first reader giveaway! I'm very excited, so much so that I was going to wait until I had reached either 50 followers or my 100th post to do it but I couldn't wait. Heehee! I'll tell you all about it soon when I've gotten together the last few items so keep an eye out for the special giveaway post which should be within the week!

Well I hope you're all having a great weekend with less snow and more warmth than mine!


Em xx

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