Sunday, November 28, 2010

I'd Say You Make a Perfect Angel in the Snow

As promised, some photos of the snow from last night. It has frozen over today and therefore the roads and paths are very slippy. I was dreading this happening again after the big freeze of January '10. It was incredibly annoying trying to get anywhere, I'll have to leave for work extra early tomorrow so I can take my time walking on the icy ground. Snow is a novelty here for about a day and then it's just annoying. Can't wait for it all to melt! Having said that here are the photos from last night when it was still beautiful!

I happened to catch this girl walking in the centre of the road at exactly the right time with her arms stretched out. How perfect is that?

You can see the snow gradually building up on this branch

and finally, Donnacha's snowman who lived a short life;

Hope you all had a lovely weekend! It's back to work for me tomorrow unfortunately. I'm already looking forward to my next week off after Christmas!

Emma xx


  1. Great photos! & poor snowman ;P


  2. Amazing pictures :)))


  3. Great pictures!! Here in Switzerland we also have lots of snow and it all looks so romantic!!:) I just oploaded some photos this weekend of your romantic garden:) Maybe you wanna stop by and have a look:)


  4. I feel the same way about snow, its fun for about a day (maybe less) and then annoying especially if you have to get out and go to work, such a bummer

  5. Such gorgeous snow pictures...i love. :)SarahD


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