Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I Want...

...a golden goose! and these would be nice too;

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

I get paid on Friday and I'll be buying a couple of these pieces. You'll have to wait to see which ones!

I went charity shopping on Monday and got some nice things which I'll show you tomorrow. I also bought some books. I really need to start reading more. It's a difficult task for someone who has such a short attention span.

I'm excited to be off work next week. I'll be going out for dinner and drinks with the ladies I work with on Friday evening, hopefully a great start to a great weeks holidays!

I hope you all are having a lovely week! What's on your payday wishlist?

Em x


  1. Hi Emma, I've awarded you a Stylish Blogger Award for the beautiful pics and great writing on your blog.

    Check it out:

  2. Payday is probably one of the best days ever and those dresses are really cute. And you are soo lucky you get a week off at the same time!

    Wow, you're from Ireland! I really, really, really, want to visit Ireland but I am a bit scared. Probably because I don't know anyone there. Still, I would love to go soon before I become a full "grown-up."

  3. I love number 6, the heart necklace!! :)


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