Friday, January 28, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

The lovely Kerry McBride of My Orange Stillettos awarded me and six other bloggers with a Stylish Blogger Award this week!

It's so nice to know the even one person reads what you write and likes it enough to acknowledge you like that, so thank you very much Kerry!

So as per the rules of the award I must link back to the person who gave the award, tell you guys seven things about myself and award seven recently discovered bloggers and contact them to inform them they have been awarded.

So here are seven things you may probably don't know about me;

1. I am the eldest of four children. I have a 22 year old sister, and two brothers aged 16 and 13.

2. Growing up I wanted to be a forensic pathologist and an astronaut. I'm still working on that ;)

3. The first film I saw in the cinema was The Little Mermaid. It's still one of my favourite films!

4. I am constantly putting on different accents. I used to really annoy my mother by speaking in different accents all the time. One of my favourites is the south London accent (Michael Caine, David Bowie, Gary Oldman).

5. I love to sing. I sing every day, but never in public. I find it so frustrating when I'm listening to my ipod when I'm walking to work or on public transport and I can't sing along to what I'm listening to. Also in relation to the accents thing I'm quite adept at imitating peoples singing voices which makes it hard for people to tell what my actual voice sounds like.

6. My favourite band since my early teens is the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I adore John Frusciante.

7. The only time I've ever been in an ambulance was when I dislocated my knee on a train when I was 14 and had to wear a brace for three weeks. My knees haven't been the same since.

Now to award seven lovely ladies;

1. Roisin Muldoon of Dolly Clackett for her amazing dresses and the cutest shoes!

2. Amber of Amber Blue Bird. She wears the cutest outfits!

3. Cayce of Madame Joy. She has the most gorgeous hair and wears clothes so beautifully.

4. Gertrude of Bows and Pearls. She has great style and beauty advice and the cutest accessories!

5. Sarah of My Republic of Fashion. A fellow Irish blogger, Sarah is a lover of fashion and glamour and pretty dresses.

6. Leanne of Ramble On. Leanne is a gorgeous girl who loves all things pin up and vintage.

7. Daniela of 1st Days of Spring. I love Daniela's make up and style (and her red hair too).

I look forward to reading seven things about these seven ladies!

I went to my friend's zine launch last night with my new charity shop scarf in my hair and 60s inspired make up. I was a bit giddy!

I hope you have a great weekend! More from me tomorrow!

Em xx


  1. Thanks a lot Emma! Wow that must be fun to be able to put on different accents! x

  2. It totally made my weekend when I saw that you awarded me with such an honor! Especially coming from you! I kept the ball rolling and did my own post...
    Thanks again for thinking of me!

  3. Thank you so much for this award. I adored 'The Little Mermaid' when I was a child too, I collected the magazines which my parents have locked away somewhere. Red Hot Chili Peppers are one of my favourite bands too, I can't wait til they return from the studio. Even if it's without the lovely John =)


  4. Yay!! THank you so much for the award!! :)SArahD

    PS LOVE that head scarf!!! xx


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