Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday Treats

I'm really enjoying my week off and trying to make the most of it. Yesterday was my friend Simon's birthday. We went out for lunch, then for coffee in the library bar in the Central Hotel on Exchequer Street which is such a great place to sit and chat. I also met my mam for a quick coffee and chat because I hadn't seen her in a while. Last night we got wine and made food and played video games and watched a movie.

Today I awoke to find some packages had arrived for me. I ordered some books from Amazon and something from Alexandra Grecco's Etsy shop. If you read Hannah Metz's blog you might know Alexandra. She also has her own great blog. I didn't take photos of what I bought because I want it to be a surprise when I wear it in a outfit post. Here are the things I got;

AG collage



I can't wait to take a proper look at the books. I've been wanting to get them for ages but they're both so expensive in book shops here so I ordered them from Amazon and basically got the two for the price of one.

Donnacha and I went for a walk today to take photos for February's Film Style Inspiration post which I will be sharing with you tomorrow. I'm so happy with the photos, we were so lucky with the weather today. It was sunny, then cloudy, then rainy but we managed to get the last bit of sunlight because it took a turn for the worse. We also used a new location but I wont say anymore, all will be revealed tomorrow!

We also browsed through the charity shops on Camden Street on the way home while running some errands and I picked up a great vintage wool mix Max Mara blazer for super cheap!

Hope you're having a great week so far!

Em xx


  1. Once again, Emma, you made some great choices in books and your other items. I have had great luck and bargains ordering books from Amazon.

    Enjoy them ♥

  2. Great choice :)
    <3 your blogg :)
    izzy xx


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