Wednesday, May 25, 2011

La Vie en Rose

This past Monday was mine and Donnacha's five year anniversary. I honestly can't believe it's been five years, how time has flown by!

I can't remember if I have shared the story of how we met, so I'll just tell you anyway. We met on September 14th 2005, our first day of college. He was one of the first people I spoke to in our class. We became good friends, but he had a girlfriend at the time so that's all we were until he told me that he liked me less than a month after he and his girlfriend broke up the following April. I was hesitant to start anything thinking that it would be a rebound and that it would be very awkward in college if things didn't work out. However I just grew to like him more and more through our friendship and eventually we kissed one evening at a friend's house. Soon after that we began "dating" and gradually the like turned into love....

Five years later I love him more every day. He makes me laugh, he comforts me when I'm sad, he is kind and generous and caring and unlike me he always sees the good in everything and everyone. He is my best friend and I love him with all of my heart.

We had a lovely meal together on Monday evening, here are some photos from the evening;





Breaded Provolone Cheese


Argentinian Steak with Pepper Sauce and Creamy Mash Potato and Roasted Veggies


Argentinian Dulce de Leche Pancake







FYA collage

The post title comes from the name of one of my favourite love songs and I think the lyrics are so true, when you're in love you really do see the world with a rose- tint (not always, and sometimes it's not a good thing, but it does happen and it's good to embrace it while it's there)

For the person in your life that you love, whoever they are...

Emma x


  1. You always look so fresh and lovely, Emma! One of my upcoming Summer Means Fun posts begins with the lyrics to the song "When Liking Turns to Loving." Friendship is a solid foundation upon which to build a lasting relationship and it's heartwarming to learn how yours evolved. Happy anniversary to both of you! You deserve to be happy and in love, dear friend!

  2. Happy anniversary! You two are supercute :)

  3. Oh what a great song to choose. Just sumptious. You have very good taste! x

  4. the food looks yummy. you look happy. good for the two of you.

  5. Oh you're gorgeous! And you two make such an adorable couple. The food looks amazing! Congrats & happy 5 years! (wow!!)

  6. Oh, happy anniversary and congratulations! I am always so happy to read how people's love stories have began, these always make me smile and so enormously happy!
    You make a great couple!

  7. your meeting story is almost exactly like the story of how I met my now husband. We met on the second of college (we were both single) and started seriously dating about a month later :) Happy anniversary to you both!


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