Sunday, May 22, 2011

Saturday Things

Here's what I did yesterday.

Sat21 1

I had a strawberry smoothie

Sat21 2

I wore green nail polish

Sat21 3

I ate an everything bagel with avocado, mozzarella and bacon

Sat21 4

I thought this was pretty cool


I watched 500 Days of Summer again and didn't like it as much this time :(

So that was my Saturday. What did you do? Today I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides with my mam and my brother. It was good, but nowhere near as good as the first one.

I shall leave you with one of the great songs from the soundtrack to 500 Days of Summer;


  1. You are such a lovely sight, Emma! I saw Black Swan for the first time and enjoyed it very much. I love movies (like Mulholland Dr.) that leave you puzzled, wondering which parts were real and which were fantasy. I hope that you have a wonderful week ahead, dear friend!

  2. Great vid. I used to watch this over and over when I was younger and totally obsessed with the Smiths and Morrissey. Lovely nail varnish too. Looks like Mint Green by Barry M? xx

  3. I love that polish! AND I would love to eat that sandwich! YUM!

  4. One of my favourite songs. <3 I didn't like 500 Days of Summer much at all. Also, you have pretty eyes! I spent my Saturday trying to do homework, then I watched My Sister Eileen & Irma La Douce.
    -Andi x

  5. Ooooh the everything bagel looked DELICIOUS! It's 8 in the morning here and it made me craaaave breakfast!

    You've got such pretty pictures and I'm so glad I found your blog! You've got a new follower! :)

  6. Looks like you had a nice day!
    I'm your 80th follower!
    Stop by and visit with me if you wanna!

    Ciao Bella!


  7. Ummmm yeah, I LOVE YOUR EYES! So big and bright! Your blessed to have those amazing eye lashes!

  8. loving your green nail polish. I havent seen 500 days of Summer in awhile, I wonder if it would be as good for me the second time around


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