Wednesday, May 4, 2011

We're Off To See The Wizard

I'm so excited to show you some of my recent purchases. I bought a ring and a necklace from True Birds Vintage Ispired Jewellery (Zara Taylor). I've worn her My Dear Watson necklace here and here. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned my love of The Wizard of Oz and Return to Oz here before so when I saw these items I just had to have them!





If any of you have seen Return to Oz, you might remember the key Dorothy finds in the yard and uses later in the film when running from the scary Wheelers! This is an exact replica of that key and is something I've always wanted! The ring reminds me of the ornaments in the Nome King's palace, plus I love anything emerald green. What do you think? Do you like them as much as me?

If I had more patience I would have waited to show you these in an outfit post but I'm one of the most impatient people I know (one of my many flaws) so I just had to take some quick photos and show you today.

More recent purchases tomorrow and an outfit post at the weekend!

Emma x


  1. Being impatient isn't a flaw, Emma. I'm impatient, too. Impatient people get things done! You look marvelous in Emerald green, lass!

  2. Yes I like them as much as you! That ring is gorgeous.

  3. Yay! another owner of a Key to Oz, isn't it awesome? I keep wearing mine! <3 Lisandybeach

  4. I'm glad there are others out there who love Return to Oz as much as me. I am so jealous of your key. I really want one but just can't afford it at the moment :(

  5. Beautiful, beautiful purchases. I'm especially smitten with that amazing statement ring. Happy wearing. xx veronika


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