Sunday, June 26, 2011

Product Review Video- Part 1

Hey everyone!

I'm feeling much better about everything. Donnacha is having his last treatment tomorrow and will be discharged on Monday. He has to go back in 6-8 weeks for another MRI to make sure everything is okay, but if the steroids work he should be okay. He got to leave the hospital for the day today and we went to Whelans to the Popical Island All Day Pop Extravaganza. We took some photos which I'll show you during the week.

So last Friday (the day Donnacha went into hospital but before he was admitted) I recorded my first video in the form of a product review. It was over the 15 minutes for youtube uploads even after heavy editing so I decided to just split it in two. You'll get the second part tomorrow because I don't have time to upload it now, but take a look at this one if you get a chance and let me know what you think and if you'd be interested in seeing more of these or other kinds of videos.

I hope you're having as great weekend!

Love, Emma xx


  1. Hello, Emma! That's such great news about Donnacha! I'm glad to know that he'll be discharged Monday and I hope that he continues to respond to the steroids so that you can both put this unpleasant episode behind you.

    I had a wonderful time watching your video! You did a fine job with your product reviews. It was very exciting to see you come alive right before my eyes. I was able to hear your voice for the first time and get a better sense of your personality. Your video enabled me to realize that you are indeed a real person, not merely a collection of words and pictures. Naturally I have little interest in cosmetics for women but I watched the entire clip and enjoyed it very much. In my opinion you are even more beautiful on video than you are in still photographs. Your voice and accent are very pleasing to my ears and you have a wonderful, down to earth personality. To borrow words that you used in the video, you come across as "a lovely, genuine, nice person." To sum it up, you have a very high likability quotient and I encourage you to produce more videos.

    I noticed your Warpaint poster on the wall. As you know our mutual friends Kelly-marie and Amber Blue Bird are both Warpaint fans as well. So am I! I also want to report that I watched True Grit tonight and thought it was excellent!

  2. Emma, I loved your video, can't wait to see more.
    Like Shady said it's lovely to see you 'come alive', you are so beautiful! I found Casey through her Youtube clips too, infact I think it was probably the same hair tutorial. :).
    I will definitely be trying out the Chanel Aqua. I'm fellow pailey with freckels and it sounds perfect.
    I am so happy that Donnacha is on the mend, that's such great news.
    Yay for Warpaint! I can't stop listening to them.
    Kelly-Marie xx

  3. Glad to hear better news!
    I liked your video, that pale pink lipstick looked so good! I always like to watch bloggers' videos, and see them "live", not just via photos. Though I wouldn't have courage to do vlogs myself.. :D
    And aww hattifattener!

  4. Oh Emma, I LOVED seeing the "real" you in the video! I felt like you and I were sitting here on my sofa discussing our love of makeup. I also love your accent. Yes, you need to do more videos. Thank you!

    It is so good to know that Donnacha is being treated and hopefully soon this scary time is over for the both of you so you can both get back to your passions and life! Whew, sorry for the run on sentence but I got carried away.

    Thanks again Emma for taking the time to share your life with us! ♥ Cindy


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