Monday, June 27, 2011

Product Review Video- Part 2

As promised, the second part of my product review video. I can't believe how lovely you've all been about the first part. I was so nervous to put myself out there in video form. I hope you enjoy the second part and let me know what you think!

Emma xx


  1. Emma, you are so cute that you could keep my attention riveted by sitting on camera and reading the telephone directory from cover to cover! :)

    Fades and dissolves are a nice touch but hard edits are also fine in productions of this type. They convey the impression that you are aware that the viewer's time is precious and that superfluous material has been excised. While I find your videos excellent I'm sure you agree that the loud street sounds are distracting and drown out your lovely voice in spots. Perhaps you could find a way to reduce or eliminate them.

    I love your Bowie shirt. I remember racing out and buying his Aladdin Sane album the day it was released. In various concert clips over the years I saw Bowie perform Ziggy Stardust and tracks from Aladdin Sane including the title track, "Panic in Detroit" and "The Jean Genie." One of his most memorable appearances was on Wolfman Jack's Midnight Special, the late night music showcase on the NBC network. I worked the late shift at an NBC affiliate in those days and watched the show from master control along with the director and sound engineer.

    Here's hoping that Donnacha gets released on schedule and that the two of you celebrate a new beginning by having a marvelous day and week!

  2. First off, love that Warpaint poster!
    Second, lets trade accents. Yours is so much pretty than mine.
    Third, next up is a make up tutorial right?!? :)

  3. I LOVE your accent! hehe.. and I would really really like to buy the Naked pallette. I am still holding back though because of the money hehe :) xo

  4. emma this is awesome!!! i always get excited when someone that you follow on the blogesphere does videos because i'm always curious about what they sound like! i wish i had your accent (waaaay cooler than my southern drawl that makes me sound like a redneck!) :)
    i'm not too into makeup (mainly because i have NO idea what i'm doing) but i think i might just give some of your products a spin!
    p.s. i hope donnacha is feeling much better and is back to 100% asap! xo

  5. Hello, I found you through one of my followers! I love your accent and you did a great job on camera. I don't think I have the balls to do what you just did! hahaha. Great job!


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