Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Oxegen- Sunday

Sunday at Oxegen while interview light was a lot more fun heavy! We were all really wrecked from Saturday because we got home at like 3am so all we wanted to do was relax. Which is why when this guy came over to us in the press area and offered us comfy chairs and free drinks in the the Captain Morgan's tent VIP area we jumped at the chance! We only actually filmed one interview on Sunday which was with Friendly Fires and unfortunately something happened to the audio so the footage was unusable. So we spent most of the afternoon lying on bean bags drinking rum and coke/ginger ale. 

We went to watch The National that evening but not before catching Beyoncé doing Single Ladies which was the one song of hers I wanted to see the most. I took some photos from the press pit at The National and then went crazy dancing to them (I know they're not exactly the most dancey of bands but I was so excited to finally see them!) They only played for an hour which was disappointing but it was an amazing hour and they played my favourite song from High Violet (Conversation 16). They finished with a goosebumps inducing performance of Terrible Love and Matt jumped off stage and walked around the barrier and into the crowd. This may sound cheesy but I don't care, it was truly magical! 

We then went to see (and photograph) Bright Eyes who performed to a tiny crowd. Conor kept commenting on how ridiculous the festival was and I'm sure most of the audience agreed. I caught a few songs from Coldplay (Two of my favourites- The Scientist and Clocks) but I didn't stick around for long when they started playing Fix You!

And that my friends was my Oxegen 2011 experience! All in all I had a really fun weekend but only because I spent most of it in press/VIP areas. I'm very thankful that I got to see some of my favourite bands for free, but there's no way I would ever pay to go to Oxegen again. Here's hoping I get to go to Electric Picnic in September. Judging from the line up, it's going to be amazing!

Hope you enjoy the last of my photos!


Part of the Press/VIP Area (with it's own DJ tent and mini golf)


Friendly Fires- the lost interview


Katie and Siobhán relaxing in style


As you can see I was very happy with my free drinks







We kept joking that Katie was Lady Gaga, Siobhán even posted a photo of her from a distance on Facebook saying she had met her and several people believed her!


An excited National fan!









Bright Eyes







Coldplay, from very far away

Well I hope you enjoyed my little review of Oxegen 2011. I hope I didn't seem to complainy. I really am very grateful I got to go for free!

How is your week going?

Emma x


  1. Yes indeed, I enjoyed your Oxegen posts, Emma. It does my heart good to see you, Donnacha and your other friends enjoying yourselves and even doing some clowning. I also want to thank you again for being such a wonderful friend and acknowledging me on the third anniversary of my blog. It meant a great deal to me, Emma!

  2. I would have loved to see Bright Eyes perform! I really enjoyed your review of the festival, very honest which I appreciated

  3. Although I have never heard of the band, the festival sounds like it was an amazing time. And the pictures of the band look amazing :)

  4. Great photos! It looks like an amazing time. Jealous that you got to see Bright Eyes!


  5. it looks so fun! and that shade of red lipstick looks phenomenal on you!


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