Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Oxegen- Friday and Saturday

I've been a naughty blogger, living my life and not blogging. I promise to not do it again! I had a great week last week. Donnacha, Kate and I went for dinner and cocktails with my parents which was really fun because we've never really done that before. I had some yummy whiskey sours! Then on Friday a bunch of us including Kate and my brother Jack went to see Harry Potter. I cried. I haven't read the books but I have to say I have come to love the world of Harry Potter. I think the films are really cute and funny. The supporting cast is incredible, some of my favourite ever actors (Gary Oldman, Alan Rickman) are in the films so that's the big draw for me! Did any of you go see it?

The past few days I've been helping Kate with wedding plans. I found her wedding invitations which Donnacha photo-shopped to suit Kate and Eric. They are really cool, I can't wait to show them to you! I'm getting more and more excited about it, the next thing is to order her dress and then mine!

So I'm finally sharing with you the photos from Friday and Saturday of Oxegen. Donnacha Siobhán and I took these photos, let me know what you think!

























Kitty, Daisy and Lewis



The Vaccines





Little Green Cars





The Vaccines




The first few photos of the mud and clouds and general grossness pretty much sum up what Oxegen has become. The only other time I've been was five years ago where Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Strokes, The Who, James Brown and Death Cab For Cutie played. There is a completely different, much younger crowd that goes to Oxegen now and it's basically a 4 day drinking session (It now starts on a Thursday). Some of the bands we interviewed and the bands we saw live made little comments about it being like the Apocalypse and that they were only doing it for the money and experience which to me is the only reason to do it because any of the bands we saw had the smallest audiences in attendance which is very disappointing for them and a very bad representation of Irish gigs.

I wasn't there on Friday but Saturday the weather was really nice for most of the day which we spent in the Press/VIP area until we went to the Red Bull dance tent (a little bit of hell on earth in my opinion) to do an interview which we didn't end up getting. The highlight of Saturday was seeing Eels who actually played 5 years ago too but I wasn't as into them then. They were amazing and had the best style (see above).

I'll be telling you all about Sunday in tomorrow's post!

Hope you're having a great week so far. I missed this, even though it was only a week.

Here's our interviews/acoustic sessions from Saturday, if you get a chance to watch any of them let me know what you think! (Can you guess who's hands those are at the start of the videos, again?)

Emma x


  1. It's a clever visual to see your hands and your handwriting introducing each band interview, Emma. I always love to see pictures of your sweet face, too. Please don't apologize for your absence from blogging. It's the living that's most important right now. Make the most of every minute. Enjoy your youth while you have it. You can write about it when you're in your 60s like me!

  2. I had to laugh when I saw the photo of the guy in the morph suit. There is always a guy in a morph suit at those festivals! I never understand it, they must be so hot!

    It is really interesting to hear that perspective on a festival, that is has really changed over the years and is really only a money driver for most bands who play now. It must be quite depressing to have to play to people who are just there to get wasted on the weekend while looking cool.

    And Mr Shady Del Knight is right, don't apologise! Get out there and have as much fun as you darn well please, we'll be here for the next post no problem :-)

  3. Wonderful pictures Emma ( yet again). I love the Ferris Wheel pictures and the clouds, so atmostpheric. It was such a great line up, it's so sad that the crowds were so small and not really in to it. I love Kitty and Daisy's hair and I have a mega crush on Lewis! Shhh Ha ha
    I also agree with Shady and Kerry, i understand how it feels to panic over not posting but I always try to remember that it is better to live a busy and vibrant life worthy of sharing through your blog, rather than doing nothing and having to create things to blog about ( If that makes sense).
    Hope you are having a lovely week. x

  4. is that really your handwriting?!? Its beautiful. So lets trade accents and handwriting mmm kay :) I watched the vids with the braids & the Little Green Cars and I thought they were great. I really enjoyed the performance with Little Green Cars. She is quite the singer.

  5. Hi Emma! Your photos are ... FANTASTIC, so professional! I enjoyed looking at all of them. It's fun to read about your interesting and creative life! I loved your handwriting scene as a way of introducing the musicians. I also really enjoyed hearing and seeing the performace of "Little Green Cars". Take care! ♥ Thanks for sharing!

  6. I cried during HP as well!! But I tried to hide my tears behind the 3D glasses haha. Sounds like you had a fabulous week :)


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