Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Life's Not Complete 'Til Your Heart's Missed A Beat

Here's the second set of outfit photos from last weekend...















Dress- Monsoon
Cardigan- Monsoon
Sandals- Marks and Spencers
Lipstick- Revlon 'Stormy Pink'

I'm still wrecked from being at Oxegen this weekend (I'll tell you all about it soon). I thought I would get a chance to relax at home today but instead I had lunch with my sister, went for coffee with friends, went to see Tree of Life and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in the cinema (they are screening all of the films each day before Friday). I really need to go to bed before I start or continue talking nonsense. 

How was your weekend? Did you have fun?

Here is a song by Prefab Sprout. I don't think they were that big outside of the UK. They are another of my father's influence bands. Great songs. Tell me what you think.

Emma x


  1. I never heard of P.S. but I enjoyed their fresh, clean sound and melodic rise and fall of that song. Thank you, Emma! I also enjoyed seeing more pictures of you surrounded by nature's colors and textures. So lovely, dear friend. Have a fine week!

  2. These photos are so sweet and summery! Is this your garden? It is absolutely lovely, that little path and pond are stealing my heart. I'm going to lock away that idea in my brain for future housing goodness.

  3. I really like the fit of the dress. Square necks are really pretty. At least Ireland's having some nice weather, England is being all rainy this week.

  4. I cant get the video to work for me..poo. You look so very pretty in your photos and I am really looking forward to hearing all about Oxegen

  5. Another lovely outfit post. I have vague memories of Prefab Sprout songs being on the radio when I was growing up. They always send me right back to the 80's when I hear them now. There's something familiar aand comforting about that sound

  6. Oooh beautiful dress!
    I am going to watch the new (and the last, *sigh*) Harry Potter too, it's going to be great, and saaaaadd!

  7. Always so beautiful Emma, I love the print and colours of your dress.

  8. ah, emma! i have been having internet issues this week and have been dying to comment on this post! you look absolutely stunning!!! my favorite photos of you yet :)
    and you play the ukulele? i have been wanting to try my hand at it since my failed attempt at learning the guitar!

  9. You sound like quite the busy girl! All of this rushing about. Did you get to see the new Harry Potter yet?

    Well, you look stunning in that dress. I am absolutely crazy about the colors.


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