Friday, July 8, 2011

Stoop Your Head

I'm so happy this week is over! I almost fell asleep while sitting down doing markdowns in work (I'm never usually sitting down in work). I also had to count the floats like three times because I kept zoning out and forgetting what I had counted and what I hadn't! I took a nap when I got home which lasted longer than it should have but it was much needed and I've spent this evening catching up on blogging and editing. 

I mentioned in yesterday''s post that we went to Skerries on Tuesday for lunch in Stoops (Stoop Your Head). Here are some photos Kate and I took of our lovely family and the delicious food! Kate, Eric and I had fresh cod in beer batter with homemade tartar sauce and savoury potatoes. My mam had seafood chowder and Jack had a mixture of prawns and crab claws. They do the best seafood in Skerries, it's so incredibly fresh, there's really no other way to have it! 












I love Kate's sunglasses, she got them in Accessorize and now I really want them after seeing her model them!

Have you got any fun plans for the weekend? I'm going to Oxegen Festival this weekend, Donnacha and the Cock and Bull guys are filming down there and they managed to get me a press pass so I'm super excited about it because I'll finally get to see The National! Other acts playing include, Foo Fighters, BeyoncĂ©, Bright Eyes, Weezer, Coldplay, The Strokes, Eels and Jenny and Johnny. The only downside really is that it's a festival that is attended by mostly "undesirables" (or if I'm being very cheeky- "Scumbags") but thankfully the press area has it's own bathrooms and food stalls so we won't have to mix in with the commoners too much (I kid, I kid).

I hope y'all are having a nice start to your weekend, I'll have another outfit post for you over the weekend if I get a chance. Hopefully I'll have some photos to show you from Oxegen too!

Emma x


  1. It's great to see you having fun again and putting recent worries behind you. I love seafood and if I wasn't stuck stateside I'd be right there at Stoops sampling everything that you mentioned in this post. The beauty shots of the food are fab and the beauty shots of you and yours are equally superb. Your photos are always rendered with such clarity and brilliant color. I love them! Have a wonderful weekend, dear Emma!

  2. Emma! What is the makeup you are using in this post? It's fab!


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