Thursday, July 7, 2011

Picked All The Flowers To Spite The Bees

'ello lovelies!

What a week I've had! Our Summer sale started in work this week so my shifts have been starting a lot earlier in the morning and at various different times so my head is all over the place! It makes me appreciate not having to get up so early anymore. Although it is nice to be finished work so early, especially during the Summer. I've had a pretty action packed week so far. I've drank a lot of coffee, I met my friends for a catch up and Wedding talk over dinner. On Tuesday Kate, Eric and I went to Skerries to have lunch with my mam and brother and visit my granny. Today we went to see a film called The Guard in the cinema which is an Irish production with Brendan Gleeson and the lovely Don Cheadle. It was very funny, but I'm not sure how it would be received outside of Ireland what with all the slang and Connemara accents, there was even a bit of the Irish language thrown in there. 

We took two sets of outfit photos while we were in Carlow last weekend. These are the first set of photos which we took in a run down farmyard that I spotted the last time we were down and wanted to try out this time. It was all overgrown and gross but I think it makes for interesting scenery!

















Photos by Donnacha and I

Dress and Cardigan- Monsoon
Earrings- Accessorize
Sandals- Marks and Spencers
Sunglasses- Penneys
Lipstick- Revlon's 'Fire and Ice'
Nail Polish- Catrice 'Am I Blue or Green?'

After we took these photos we went to the new Eddie Rockets in Carlow for Malts and a brownie.




How has your week been so far? I have some fun news, I got asked to do a product review for the blog so I'm excited to record a video for it instead of doing a written review. This will be my first time doing anything like it so I'm looking forward to it!

Here's a song which today's post title comes from. It's a band called Vandaveer that Donnacha recorded for Cock and Bull in Texas at SXSW. They're really great, gorgeous harmonies and I really like this live version of the song. Let me know what you think!

Have a great evening,

Emma xx


  1. Hi, Emma! You and Donnacha are superb photographers! I love the colors and textures represented in this set. My favorites are the low angle shot with your face framed by the sky and the "zero look room" head shot with the steps soft focus behind you. Gorgeous stuff, guys! I also love this piece of music and I predict that Texas native Amber Blue Bird will love it, too!

  2. i like the farmhouse you found a lot. I wish I could find a place like that take snap pics at. You look gorgeous as always my dear. Your hair looks brilliant in the pics. Oh and yes Shady I do love the tunes! SXSW is such a great festival. It has introduced me to so many great bands. :)

  3. So beautiful! I love the print on your dress and the way your lipstick matches your earrings. The picture of the lock and the cobwebs is amazing and the silhouette of you against the sky is stunning and so atmostpheric. xx

  4. great pictures! the close-ups of just your face are absolutely gorgeous!

  5. Before anything else I just have to say Don Cheadle is amazing. I cried almost the whole way through Hotel Rwanda.

    In other news, the colours in these photos are amazing! And your gorgeous maxi dress stands out from the grey buildings beautifully.

    Have a good weekend my lovely :-)


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