Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Film Style Inspiration- Camille Javal (Le Mépris)

This month's Film Style Inspiration comes from Brigitte Bardot's character Camille Javal in Jean-Luc Godard's 1963 film Le Mépris. I watched this film a while ago and found it for lack of a better word, boring. However it was visually beautiful, with Bardot, the scenery, the countryside and the buildings, it's a very stylish film.





Bardot's character has a very simple, classic style and I tried to emulate it with my own changes here and there. I added a polka dot headband instead of the thick black one she wears and a longer necklace to showcase my new Zara Taylor pendant. I also added tights because I don't live in southern Italy and it's been so cold here lately. I also did the classic Bardot makeup- thick black eye liner and nude lips. I had intended for my hair to be a little bigger but it was too shiny and wouldn't tease very well so I had to do the best I could with my silky mane! Hope you enjoy my Bardot interpretation, I had fun being sulky anyway!











  1. I'd pick you over BB any day, Emma. I can't say that she was ever a favorite of mine because I couldn't quite understand what all the fuss was about. I felt the same way about other famous sex symbols including Sophia Loren, Raquel Welsh and Jayne Mansfield. I admired Elizabeth Taylor but not as much as the rest of the world. I did think Marilyn Monroe was an "it" girl, but only in her Norma Jean and early Marilyn years. After 1952, when she became an icon, the thrill was gone for me. I suppose I can sum it up by saying that I prefer the "Mary Ann" type over the "Ginger" type if you get my Gilligan's Island reference.

  2. I think you did a top notch job channeling your inner Brigitte Bardot. I dont think I have actually ever seen any of her films but I do admire her as a fashion icon. Those cat eyes are still something I am trying to master.

  3. Wow, you pull off Bardot's eyeliner so well! She's such a beautiful woman and so are you!

    Don't forget to enter my Coach purse giveaway! http://stylocrat.blogspot.com/2011/08/100th-post-vintage-coach-purse-giveaway.html

  4. Gosh she is rather sullen looking isn't she? I hope she smiled at some stage during that film! Regardless, you look absolutely stunning here. Your eyes look incredible, have you ever done any tutorials? You always do excellent winged eyeliner and I'd love some tips :-) Mine always ends up looking a bit soft at the wing!

  5. Your makeup looks great!
    You should really do a tutorial,
    we would love to read it :)



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