Friday, September 9, 2011

Electric Picnic Part One

I apologise for the delay in posting this. There were a lot of photos to go through plus a lot of recovery time needed after last weekend! It was my first time going to Electric Picnic and it was an amazing experience! It helped of course that we went to a warm, dry house each night and had a shower and breakfast in the morning. It also helped that we had semi-nice bathrooms and access to the VIP bar and the media room.  I definitely couldn't have camped, I'm one of those people who wasn't made for roughing it unnecessarily. On Friday we got down there in the afternoon, got our media passes and went to the media area to make a plan of action for the evening. 



Brian and I



Jenny and Emily from Warpaint talking to Dave



Dave and Alex Ebert

On Friday we met and interviewed Warpaint which was sooooo awesome! They were late for their interview because just as they were walking over to us Sinead O'Connor started playing Nothing Compares 2 U and they adorably ran out to the stage to watch her. We also interviewed Alex Ebert from Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Twin Shadow and The Gandhis. 

That evening we saw Warpaint, M.Ward (I was front and centre for that and it was so lovely and relaxing!). Then we topped off the night with Interpol who I have wanted to see live for years and they did not disappoint! I danced my ass off! 

Getting home however was the worst! Myself and my friend Maeve wanted to stay a bit longer so we waited for a lift home with one of the girls while most of the guys went home during Interpol. It started raining and we had to go back to Maeve's tent to get her stuff, then meet Jessica who was driving us to Donnacha's parents house to stay for the night. It took us an hour to find the car in the maze of a car park in the rain with no lights and then there was a sad roadkill incident on the way home...Poor Bunny.... I have never been so grateful to get into bed! We were able to laugh about it the next day though.


Saturday was another fun day! We spent the afternoon doing Vox Pops while some of the other crew filmed interviews and live performances with John Blek and the Rats, the Jezabels, Hot Sprockets and Adebisi Shank. I took lots of photos of the arena which I will show you in my next post. On Saturday evening we briefly watched but mostly listened to Lykke Li from the Media/VIP area where we were busy drinking wine and socialising. Then was the highlight of the weekend for me- Arcade Fire! I finally got to see them play Crown of Love which was just gorgeous. There was a huge group of us watching them and we all danced non-stop for an hour and a half which felt like 5 minutes! If you ever get the chance to see them live I cannot recommend it highly enough, they really put everything into their performance, they're so incredible live!



Niall and Maeve


Maeve and I




Simon missed his mom and just had to call her ;)




Katie and Dave


John Blek and the Rat(s)





On Sunday morning after a pancake breakfast and hot shower we left the house in the lashing rain and were worried it was down for the day, but it started to get nice and bright when Gordon Gano of Violent Femmes came onstage. He played Kiss Off and Blister in the Sun which was such a great start to the day and got everyone dancing and in a great mood. We did loads more interviews on Sunday with Joan Wasser from Joan as Policewoman, James Vincent McMorrow, Toby Kaar, Oh Land, Best Coast and Gordon Gano.


Gordon Gano


James Vincent McMorrow


Toby Kaar


Gordon Gano 


Joan as Policewoman


Oh Land

Photos 1,2,5,7,9,10,12,13,14,17,20 by Niall Ryan, the rest are by me!

Check out the Cock and Bull Tv website for blog posts and videos from the weekend and also the podcast that Donnacha does every week with Katie and Dave or 'like' our facebook page.

Here's the teaser video from Sunday, you can spot me and some of the other crew at 1.18! Enjoy and check out the other videos too!

Emma x


  1. Such a fun time, Emma, I can tell. You look as alluring as ever! This photo collection captures the atmosphere and energy of Electric Picnic. I'm so glad you got the chance to attend and hear some of your favorite artists and conduct interviews. I'm also glad that you made it home safely. Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend!

  2. hold the presses, you and your buds interviewed Warpaint?!?! HOLY MOLY I AM SO FLIPPIN JEALOUS!! What were they like? Were they as cool as they seem to be? Where were the other two girls? When can I see the video? Did I mention that I am crazy filled with rage jealous right now!!

  3. Look out, Emma... Rockin' Robin's raging!

  4. That looks so so much fun. Lykke Li AND Arcade Fire. I can't think of anything better!

  5. Your weekends are always sooo exciting!! love the pictures with all the amazing cameras hehe :) xo


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