Wednesday, May 2, 2012


We pretty much hit our peak within the first hour of arriving in Galway with that bad boy below. Aunt Zelda! We ate in a famous fish and chip restaurant and there were photos of "famous" people such as the lovely Aunt Zelda and Terry O'Quinn (aka Locke from Lost, aka Peter Watts from Millenium). 

It was only my second time in Galway and I was excited to do some sightseeing/messing around with the gang. We went to the museum, got coffee in Butler's Chocolate CafĂ© (which is in Dublin too, but the girls hadn't tried it so we had to get some when we saw it), we went for a pint in a pub just off Eyre Square, got drinks in the off license and had them in the hotel room and then went out for dinner (not before we all put on horse transfers). 

The following day we walked to Salthill, went to the arcade, to Lohan's for lunch and then walked back to Galway and got our bus home. Enjoy the highlights below!








Being Arches?





The lads pretending to be teacher's pets in school


This creep





















This was the five of us on the bus on the way home

So there you have it, my in depth guide to Galway! JK. Seriously though, all you need to know is Galway = Windy. 

Seriously though, it is a lovely city with a very different atmosphere to Dublin. We would have loved to have had a car to drive around and see the scenery a bit more.

How have you all been lately?

It is my brother's 15th birthday today! I can't believe it. It really makes me feel old! Happy Birthday Jack!

This past week I've watched Avengers and Titanic in the cinema, the latter was a bit of a cry party for me, Kate and my mam. Avengers was so good! Has anyone else seen it yet? Donnacha and I have been watching the new season of Mad Men, (which I think has been incredible so far) and The Killing. Also we found out yesterday that my boy Childish Gambino aka Troy Barnes from Community is playing here in August. I am extremely excited. 

Last week in work I got asked to go out to another one of branches today to train the Children's Visual Merchandiser there. I said yes despite being very apprehensive about it for numerous reasons, one of which was that our old manager who some of you may remember was not the nicest person, is the manager there now. I also wasn't sure about my abilities and the combination of everything made me even more determined to do it and to do a great job of it so we'll see what is said about it tomorrow when I go back to my shop. It definitely made me appreciate where I work and who I work with!

Hope you're having a great week,

Emma x


  1. Hi, Emma! This series of pictures was very entertaining. You and your chums were even more whimsical than usual. I'm glad you're loving Mad Men. As you know Amber B.B and I are also crazy about the show. I know it's awfully late in the day but I want to say "happy birthday" to your brother Jack. Today was also Mrs. Shady's birthday. I'm glad you're appreciating the work environment you now have and I hope your situation continues to improve and stabilize. Good night to you, dear friend!

  2. Looks like you and your friends had a magnificent adventure! And I like the photo of your friends acting like teacher's pets. Very funny! :)

  3. You look like you are having an absolute blast! Enjoy! :)

  4. Hey there! I hope everything goes well at work. I am sure you will do an amazing job :)

    Looks like everyone had a good time on this trip. Your friends look like they are a blast to hang out with. Oh and how was Titanic? Did you see it in 3d? I was debating whether to see it. I mean I've seen the film a bazillion times (I can pretty much recite every word....impressive right?).

    1. Titanic was AMAZING! I know it by heart too but seeing it on the big screen again was so good, we were sitting at the back of the theatre in floods of tears! I'm not a huge fan of 3D but it was actually quite good!

  5. Hi Emma! It was so good to hear from you, thank you for your sweet words and visit to my blog. I truly enjoyed seeing all your photos, you have the best! The art work was very interesting and I loved seeing all the old stone buildings. I love old! A couple of days ago I thought of you when I saw some Essie nail polish so now I know it is sold here. I will have to try some, not long ago I bought some yellow nail polish. I am anxious to see what Clint thinks about it. (Clint: What is wrong with your nails, do you have a nail fungus? ) Acting silly here, of course. It was good to know you all had fun times. Knowing you, you did an excellent job of training the other employee. Keep us posted again soon. Take care ... ♥


  6. Hey Emma! This was such an enjoyable post to read, the photo of you all under the Spanish Arch cracked me up. I really like Galway, it has such a fun, laidback vibe. I'm always taken aback by prices though - it seems more expensive than Dublin!

  7. It looked like you had so much fun! AUNT ZELDA, that' amazing! So are your Horse transfers, I know some London hipsters who would be preeety jealous of those. ;) Hope your work trip went well, i'm sure you did an amazing job.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend lovely lady. xx


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