Friday, February 22, 2013

Five Songs...

...I've been listening to recently.

I've been listening to Phantogram pretty much non-stop since first hearing about them from my friend Amber.  Nightlife is my favourite song from their EP of the same name. 

Wild Nothing are a very recent discovery for me. I listened to a few songs and had to get their music straight away. This is one of my favourite songs so far from their latest release Nocturne.

I've been going on about Simple Minds on here a lot recently but that's because they are very good. I'm going to see them in March with my sister, my aunt and my dad. New Gold Dream is such a good album and I really love this song.

I've been listening to David Bowie for most of my life and I had forgotten how much I loved this song until it came on shuffle on my ipod a few weeks ago. It's actually a cover song from the album Pin Ups, originally recorded by The McCoys and then by The Merseys. The other versions are great too, but you can't beat Bowie!

Rano Pano is from Mogwai's latest album Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will. It's just a great instrumental song.

Hope you all are well. 

Emma x


  1. I enjoyed all of these, dear Emma, and was familiar with a few. Of course, the first video made me a little sad because I miss our friend Amber Blue Bird so much. The MTV-style television station where I worked in the 80s and 90s played videos by Simple Minds, especially "All the Things She Said." The NBC station where I worked in the 70s and early 80s carried Wolfman Jack's Midnight Special and I remember watching David Bowie perform this McCoys song on that program. I also posted this same Bowie clip on my own blog a while back because I love it so much. Thank you for the music and memories, dear friend Emma, and have a great weekend!

    1. I agree Tom, I really miss Amber's blog, especially her music taste, but we've been emailing eachother suggesting new music to eachother! :)

  2. I haven't listened to all of these yet but I like your music taste so I will trust your recommendations! I remember my sister (who is 15 years older than me) having the New Gold Dream album on vinyl. Then I remember the song being sampled and covered in the early nineties by quite a few dance/trance type bands. And who doesn't love a bit of Bowie. Thanks for this post. I always enjoy a fashion/music combination on blogs xxx

    1. Glad you liked it Lucy, I've found so many great bands through other blogger so I just wanted to share the love!


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