I apologise for my lack of posting this week. To be perfectly honest, I've had a tough week emotionally. One of our nieghbours who lives in the apartment building opposite us threw herself from her fourth floor balcony on Monday afternoon. We only realised when Donnacha was going out to the shop and saw her lying on a stretcher. The ambulance crew tried to save her but she died. We saw the police taking photos of the scene and inside her apartment. It was so surreal. I only knew her to see, I didn't actually know her but she was obviously on some sort of drugs because she would stand outside her apartment building some nights shouting to be let in and clearly not in her right mind.
I couldn't stop thinking about it for ages, I just kept imagining how she must have been feeling standing there before she jumped. I can't understand it and I suppose it's hard for me to judge someone who feels that hopeless about their life. I found myself wishing I could do something to help people like her realise that their life is worth something even if they don't think so.
It helped to talk to my mam and dad and the girls in work about it. I find myself looking up at the balcony walking to and from work every day. If this is how I feel, I can't even begin to imagine how it felt to see it happen or for her family and friends. I hope those of you reading this never feel like that woman. Nothing is ever hopeless, we need to realise the affects our lives have on so many people and how they would feel to lose us like that.
Now onto something less serious. My sister and I went to see Warpaint in Crawdaddy in Dublin last night. It was an amazing gig, even the support band were very good. The venue was packed and the crowd were loving the band, singing along to all the songs even though the album isn't technically out yet. The girls seemed lovely, they said how grateful they were to be able to play here and thanked us for our support which I thought was really nice. I have to say I have a girl crush on the entire band! They're all gorgeous girls with great individual styles. Check out the few photos I took below.
I bought their new record The Fool and the EP Exquisite Corpse on vinyl
I did my eyes using Benefit's Smokey Eye palette. I've only used it once before after getting it as a present last Christmas, but it's really nice to use and turns out very well if you take the time to do it properly
I really like Crawdaddy as a venue because it's so intimate. I've seen Andrew Bird and M Ward here, both amazing gigs. I really hope the girls come back and I'm sure if they do they'll need to play a bigger venue.
I haven't done much else this week. I saw
The Social Network on Sunday which was so captivating from start to finish and
Despicable Me on Tuesday which was a lot of fun.
Hope you had a better week than me. Have you got any exciting plans for the weekend?
I'll leave you with my favourite song from
The Fool;
Em xxx