Last week we went to Whelans for Donnacha's birthday. Here's a few photos from the night;
How is your week going? I'm having a bit of a stressful time in work because my manager is completely incompetent and incredibly difficult to deal with, Lord give me patience with her!!!
Hope your having a lovely evening,
Emma xxx
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Let's Dance In Style Let's Dance For A While
All my TV shows are back for new seasons! The Office, Community, The League, Bones, 30 Rock, Delocated, Glee and Gossip Girl. Bored to Death and SNL are starting this week too! The only one that hasn't returned yet is Parks and Recreation which won't be back until January :( But I guess that's a good thing because I was a little overwhelmed with all the funniness! I am also currently watching Breaking Bad season 2, Medium season 1, Everwood season 4 and Arrested Development seaon 2 (for like the fourth time!). I know it may seem excessive, but you don't understand how much I love TV!!! I also saw The Town, Pyjama Girls and Going the Distance in the cinema this weekend. What can I say, I enjoy the escapism it provides. Not that I dislike my life, but I just get so invested in the characters. I think I've probably cried more watching TV shows and Films than I have about things in my own life. Okay, that may be an exaggeration, but it's almost even.
Todays post however is an outfit post. Here are some photographs Donnacha took for me today;

Todays post however is an outfit post. Here are some photographs Donnacha took for me today;

My jacket is from work as is my dress, my boots and tights are from Marks and Spencers, my scarf is from Accessorize as is my ring and my emerald necklace is from BrideBlu on Etsy.
Okay, so I know there are a lot of photos here, but I couldn't pick my favourites so I just put most of them up. What do you think? I just LOVE the new camera!
Hope you're having a good weekend. Back to work on Monday for me, but at least I know I made the most of my holidays.
Hope you're having a good weekend. Back to work on Monday for me, but at least I know I made the most of my holidays.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Honey You Cannot Wrestle A Dove
This morning I woke up crying my eyes out from a nightmare I had where Donnacha was murdered! It was so real and intricate and just got me all upset and panicked and I couldn't get back to sleep (and didn't want to) so we just stayed in bed and watched Arrested Development and I made eggs and toast for breakfast. It's been a while since I've had a nightmare like that and it makes you feel very vulnerable and like kid again almost. It was really horrible! I'm not feeling very well either so I just stayed in today and watched multiple episodes of Medium.
Yesterday I saw 2 films that could not have been more different from eachother! The first was Winter's Bone and the second was The Room. Winter's Bone I went to see in the cinema with a few friends as it was Donnacha's birthday. Going in I had no idea what the film was about and it did take me a while to get into the story but once I did I was captivated. I don't want to ruin any of the plot for those of you who don't know what it is about so I'll just say that the performances were excellent and it really made me appreciative of what I have.
The Room was another story! I had never heard of it when Donnacha suggested we watch it. A few minutes in when I asked if it was a joke Donnacha said that it has been described as the worst film ever made. It was however, one of those films that is so bad it's good. We laughed for the duration and were quoting it for hours after. I think you just have to see it to believe it. It also has a huge following and is screened often in various cities across the world with the writer, director, producer and lead actor Tommy Wiseau showing up regularly to have his photo taken with fans. I urge you to seek this out for a viewing, it's so worth it!

Image found here
Yesterday I saw 2 films that could not have been more different from eachother! The first was Winter's Bone and the second was The Room. Winter's Bone I went to see in the cinema with a few friends as it was Donnacha's birthday. Going in I had no idea what the film was about and it did take me a while to get into the story but once I did I was captivated. I don't want to ruin any of the plot for those of you who don't know what it is about so I'll just say that the performances were excellent and it really made me appreciative of what I have.
The Room was another story! I had never heard of it when Donnacha suggested we watch it. A few minutes in when I asked if it was a joke Donnacha said that it has been described as the worst film ever made. It was however, one of those films that is so bad it's good. We laughed for the duration and were quoting it for hours after. I think you just have to see it to believe it. It also has a huge following and is screened often in various cities across the world with the writer, director, producer and lead actor Tommy Wiseau showing up regularly to have his photo taken with fans. I urge you to seek this out for a viewing, it's so worth it!

Image found here
Yesterday evening we went and got pizza for Donnacha's birthday with some friends and afterwards got some Gobstoppers, Nerds and popcorn for the movie.
So it's getting close to that time of year again- Halloween! Do you still like to dress up? I never did when I was a kid so I like to do it now. I thought I'd share with you a few photos from my adventures in dressing up over the past few years;

Me as Margot Tenenbaum at the 2007 Movie Star Ball

As a Robert Palmer Girl at my friend's Halloween Party in 2008
So it's getting close to that time of year again- Halloween! Do you still like to dress up? I never did when I was a kid so I like to do it now. I thought I'd share with you a few photos from my adventures in dressing up over the past few years;

Me as Margot Tenenbaum at the 2007 Movie Star Ball

As a Robert Palmer Girl at my friend's Halloween Party in 2008
So will you be dressing up this year, if so, have you got any ideas yet? I'd like to, so any suggestions are welcome!
There's one more thing I want to share in today's post that I wasn't sure if I should share because it's quite personal and could possibly offend a certain person but to be honest I really need to get it off my chest and maybe ask for some perspective from you guys if you feel so inclined.
Today I had a fight with one of my friends. It is the third one we've had this year and it's over the same thing. I told her that I couldn't take it anymore and that I was done. I've never had a friend break-up before so it's been kind of strange to just say to a friend good luck with your life and that's it. It's not that I don't like her or anything. I think the problem is that we became friends in college and that made everything so easy because you see the person everyday and your lives are so similar and you do all the same things and it doesn't take any effort to see eachother, but when college was over we didn't see eachother half as much because she started working full time and I was working part time so our schedules clashed and any time we would arrange to meet up she would cancel at the last minute and I couldn't take the rejection anymore, it didn't matter what excuse was given, in my head I was thinking she doesn't want to see me and I didn't know why.
Today was the last straw after I text her and asked would she like to go see a movie with me she told me to not wait around for her to see it and I just let everything out. I told her exactly how I felt and I just told her I couldn't do it anymore. It's hard when you feel like everything is one sided and you are the only one putting in the effort. It's like any relationship, if both people don't commit to making it work even if you only see eachother once a month or something, it just doesn't work. The thing that made me realise it had run it's course was that I didn't miss her like I used to and I didn't care that she didn't text me very often, I just wanted to get it all out in the open and sort it out once and for all. I honestly couldn't even try and fight for it because I don't think there was anything left to save anymore.
I still love her and wish her all the best but our lives are just in completely different places right now and it doesn't work. I did what I thought was best for me and I was completely honest with her and I don't want to offend her by sharing this here with you all (I don't think she reads this so she may not even know), but I just wanted to share this experience and I don't know maybe it will be of some help to someone out there. I really hope none of you have to experience this because it's not pleasant at all, but I didn't feel I had another choice in the matter.
So what do you think? Have you had any similar experiences? Would you have dealt with it differently? I'm not looking for sympathy or anything of the sort. I just wanted to share this part of my life in the hopes that it acts like some sort of therapy for me, I've always written things down because I find it helps me figure things out, so I suppose this is just my way of sorting it out in my head.
Thanks for reading if you've managed to last this long! Hope you're having a good week so far, almost payday!
I'll leave you with one of my all time favourite songs;
There's one more thing I want to share in today's post that I wasn't sure if I should share because it's quite personal and could possibly offend a certain person but to be honest I really need to get it off my chest and maybe ask for some perspective from you guys if you feel so inclined.
Today I had a fight with one of my friends. It is the third one we've had this year and it's over the same thing. I told her that I couldn't take it anymore and that I was done. I've never had a friend break-up before so it's been kind of strange to just say to a friend good luck with your life and that's it. It's not that I don't like her or anything. I think the problem is that we became friends in college and that made everything so easy because you see the person everyday and your lives are so similar and you do all the same things and it doesn't take any effort to see eachother, but when college was over we didn't see eachother half as much because she started working full time and I was working part time so our schedules clashed and any time we would arrange to meet up she would cancel at the last minute and I couldn't take the rejection anymore, it didn't matter what excuse was given, in my head I was thinking she doesn't want to see me and I didn't know why.
Today was the last straw after I text her and asked would she like to go see a movie with me she told me to not wait around for her to see it and I just let everything out. I told her exactly how I felt and I just told her I couldn't do it anymore. It's hard when you feel like everything is one sided and you are the only one putting in the effort. It's like any relationship, if both people don't commit to making it work even if you only see eachother once a month or something, it just doesn't work. The thing that made me realise it had run it's course was that I didn't miss her like I used to and I didn't care that she didn't text me very often, I just wanted to get it all out in the open and sort it out once and for all. I honestly couldn't even try and fight for it because I don't think there was anything left to save anymore.
I still love her and wish her all the best but our lives are just in completely different places right now and it doesn't work. I did what I thought was best for me and I was completely honest with her and I don't want to offend her by sharing this here with you all (I don't think she reads this so she may not even know), but I just wanted to share this experience and I don't know maybe it will be of some help to someone out there. I really hope none of you have to experience this because it's not pleasant at all, but I didn't feel I had another choice in the matter.
So what do you think? Have you had any similar experiences? Would you have dealt with it differently? I'm not looking for sympathy or anything of the sort. I just wanted to share this part of my life in the hopes that it acts like some sort of therapy for me, I've always written things down because I find it helps me figure things out, so I suppose this is just my way of sorting it out in my head.
Thanks for reading if you've managed to last this long! Hope you're having a good week so far, almost payday!
I'll leave you with one of my all time favourite songs;
Sunday, September 19, 2010
She Could Have Been A Poet Or She Could Have Been A Fool
It rained heavily today so I stayed in my pjs and took some photos indoors. Here are the results;

I'm very glad I decided to stay in my pyjamas today because it didn't stop raining all day. I read blogs and listened to music most of the day and this evening we ordered pizza and watched Arrested Development so I was very very happy. Last night we had plans which fell through so we went to the movies to see The Other Guys with some friends (and snuck in some drinks, hehe!). Tomorrow we're going to Whelans to see Simon play with his band You Kiss By The Book and then we're having drinks for Donnacha's birthday.
On Monday I went to a surprise dinner in Drogheda for Jennifer, one of my best friends. We had all you can eat chinese food and it was yummy! I had duck pancakes, BBQ ribs, prawn sesame toast and cantonese duck.

Lisa, Jennifer and I. My two best friends!
On Monday I went to a surprise dinner in Drogheda for Jennifer, one of my best friends. We had all you can eat chinese food and it was yummy! I had duck pancakes, BBQ ribs, prawn sesame toast and cantonese duck.

Lisa, Jennifer and I. My two best friends!
I wanted to share some photographs for The Loved One a project started by one of my favourite bloggers Hannah Metz and Elvia Lahman. They are currently trying to raise funding to start their own vintage inspired lingerie line.
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