Ok, so I know that I cheated with this month's Film Style Inspiration. My only defence is that Twin Peaks was also a film, yes Audrey Horne wasn't in the film, but she should have been!
She's probably one of the best characters in Twin Peaks. One of the reasons I loved Audrey Horne when I watched Twin Peaks was her amazing style. It's a mixture of 50's prep and vixen. She wears cute sweaters, pleated check skirts, saddle shoes, red heels, sexy black dresses and red lipstick. Like every woman, there are several sides to Audrey Horne which she expresses through her style throughout the two seasons of Twin Peaks. I went for the 50s school/college preppy look but with a short curly bob and red lippie to give it the Audrey Horne edge.
Cardigan- Marks and Spencers
Skirt- Monsoon
Shoes- Dunnes
Lipstick- Revlon 'Strawberry Suede'
Nail Polish- Revlon 'Emerald City'
Earrings- Accessorize
I promise the next one will be film inspired ;)
Emma x