Once again the time between posts has been greater than I wanted. I suppose I'll just blame it on the craziness that has been this past month. It's been both good and bad, we have been very busy at work and play and there's stuff that needed sorting out in my head and in life generally. Gosh, I'm being very vague I know I suppose I would love to sit down with each and every one of you and have a conversation about life that isn't for all to see on the internet. That's the downside to this blogging thing, I don't get to see you all in person and explain things how I would if it was one on one.
I have missed this a lot. I need to get back into it properly and do some Autumn blogging. I have ideas and plans and plenty of posts in my head that I need to get out! While I'm doing that I'll share with you the remainder of the photographs from Electric Picnic. They are mostly of the more creative/arty side to the festival with sculptures, artistic creations etc.
Photos by Niall Ryan and Myself
I hope you're having a lovely weekend. I'll have another post for you tomorrow!
Thanks for sticking around, you guys are the best!
Emma x