Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cupán Tae


I'm back! Were you wondering where I had gone? Me too....

As some of you may know we had guests staying with us last week from the US (Denver and Nashville to be exact). I had intended to take a break from blogging for the week including reading blogs as I wanted to fully commit myself to entertaining and having fun. We also went out west to Galway for a couple of days and so I thought it best to just basically stay offline all week. That break seems to have extended into this week. I have so many posts to catch up on and there's about 50 videos in my youtube watch later list to watch!

I've been taking it very easy so far this week after work (apart from some spring cleaning) because last week we walked so much around Dublin and Galway. We also drank every single night for a week which I am not used to so I needed to recover. I'll fill you in on more fun in the next post but here are some photos of a very pretty tea shop in Galway that I made everyone go to. Go boil the kettle and make a cup for yourself!










Tell me how you all are, I miss you all!

Emma x

Monday, March 12, 2012

Vital Brights

I'm not usually one to get into make up trends (or any trends for that matter). However as we're now entering Spring/Summer, I do like to change my make up around and try to experiment with colour a bit more. The limited edition No. 7 Vital Brights Spring collection consists of two cream blushes, two lipsticks, a highlighter and an eye palette and with the €7.50 off voucher that is currently running all of the items work out very reasonably.  This collection was designed by British make up artist Lisa Eldridge who has worked with No. 7 to make some really amazing products. What's better than make up products designed by someone who uses them every day for their job!

I bought the No. 7 Vital Brights Cream Blush  in Blossoming Pink last week after eyeing it up for a while and I wasn't disappointed. The vibrant coral colour may look quite intimidating at first but when blended it gives a gorgeous rosy glow to the cheeks and is the perfect blush for Summer in my opinion. You only really need to tap your finger gently on the blush to get enough colour and you can build it up from there. The blushes and lipsticks retail at about €13.50 and the palette and highlighter at about €16.50. 





Here's a video of Lisa Eldridge herself using the other blush colour as the basis for a beautiful fresh summery make up look. I can't recommend her videos highly enough, she has such a huge knowledge base and I just find her so easy and relaxing to watch

Emma x

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Lux Effects

So as you can see I have a little bit of an obsession with glitter nail polish at the moment. It just makes me happy. It might sound silly but it's the little things sometimes.

I bought both of these nail polishes online as I don't think Essie is available in Ireland (that I know of anyway).  I layered one of the new Lux Effects polishes called A Cut Above over Demure Vixen

I can't tell you how excited I was when I received this gorgeous glittery polish in the post. It's just stunning! It's got lots of different sizes of glitter in it which gives a gorgeous effect, I painted two layers on to make it really glittery. I have to get more of these Lux Effects polishes, there's a pearl effect one, a silver one and a few others. I definitely recommend this to all you fellow nail polish junkies out there!








I hope you're all having a great weekend. 

Emma x

Friday, March 2, 2012

I've Got A Castle On My Wall At Home

A little outfit post for you today! I'm going to go watch Eastbound and Down with my friends and have some cereal. We just had some of my homemade guacamole and watched Kate and Eric's wedding video! I'll be posting a bit of it somewhere so you guys can take a look if you want. 







Dress, Bangle and Cardigan- Monsoon
Rings, Earrings and Scarf- Accessorize
Belt- Dunnes
Nails- Essie Glamour Purse and Cocktail Bling

I love this scarf, I waited until it was 70% off in the sale in work to buy it and I'm so glad because it was a really good price and it's so warm, not that I need it anymore because it's been so mild lately!

Also, the two nail polishes I'm wearing here are two of my new favourites. My mam and I saw Glamour Purse on the air stewardess on the way to Rome and asked her what she was wearing and I saw Cocktail Bling somewhere else so I bought them both online (because I don't know where to buy Essie here if it's even available anywhere). I've also been wearing the rings and belt a lot too. 

Thanks for all your lovely comments about my video and my job and my foot. They really cheered me up! 

Take a listen to the music of Walter Schreifels. Donnacha introduced me to him when we first started going out and he is now one of my favourite musicians ever. If you don't know who he is, he plays with Gorilla Biscuits, Rival Schools, Quicksand and Walking Concert below! Enjoy!

Emma x
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