[Regal Heart Brooch]

[Antique Lace Alice Band]

[Enchanted Butterfly Bangle]

[Woodland Feather Statement Alice Band]

[Mega 80s Chain Stud Earrings]

[Oversized Button Stud Earrings]
I also ordered some Clarks boots from ebay the other day [see image below]. I already have 2 pairs of Clarks boots, both the same style but in two different colours, Brown and Black (The brown pair have been sitting in my wardrobe for six months waiting to have their heel mended). I bought the brown pair over a year ago in the store (for less than half price) and then the other pair on ebay months later when I realised they came in black. They are so so comfortable, which is why I splashed out on 2 pairs and they are the perfect shape on me! I don't know if everyone has this problem but I just find it so difficult to find a pair of boots that are comfortable, a good neutral colour, the right shape on me and not too expensive. I got them at a third of the price they were in store too! I hope they fit me and are comfortable, I'll let you know how it goes!

[Clarks Mayhem Miss Ebony Boots]

[Clarks Mayhem Miss Ebony Boots]
So what do you make of my purchases? I just love the key necklace! I've had a bit of an obsession with ornate keys ever since seeing The Secret Garden in the cinema for my sister's 6th birthday (I think). It's such a magical film, and very scary too. The big house is amazing! I always loved when Mary went exploring and found all the secret passageways (and garden of course). I wanted to dress like her when I was a kid, wearing the red woolly hat, the duffle coat, the straw boater hat and pretty white dresses with ribbons in my hair.

[Image found here]

[Image found here]

[Image found here]

[Image found here]

[Image found here]

[Image found here]
That was a bit off point, but it brings up an interesting question; Who did you want to dress like when you were little?
That's all from me for today, I should really go make dinner! Hope you are all having a lovely week so far. I want to leave you with this song that I've been playing over and over this past week, the album came out a few years ago and I saw them live 2 summers ago, which was one of the best gigs I've been to. This was my favourite song on the album when I first heard it and still is. Enjoy!
Em xxx
That's all from me for today, I should really go make dinner! Hope you are all having a lovely week so far. I want to leave you with this song that I've been playing over and over this past week, the album came out a few years ago and I saw them live 2 summers ago, which was one of the best gigs I've been to. This was my favourite song on the album when I first heard it and still is. Enjoy!
Em xxx