Monday, June 28, 2010

Wet Hot Irish Summer

Greetings friends! I've been quite busy since last Thursday. I think this is the first opportunity I've had to catch up on blogging (both reading and writing). I had a bit of an internetless weekend, partly by choice and partly because I was away so there wasn't the convenience of just sitting down to use the laptop. It felt so good to get out of the city for the weekend. You may remember my ramblings from last week about how irritated I was becoming by living in the city? Well I think the couple of days away did me the world of good. My boyfriend and I went to stay with our friend in Carlow which is also where my boyfriend grew up and where his family lives (apart from his brother who lives in Scotland, but he was over here for the weekend too!). It was late when we arrived so we went straight to Niall's house and ordered chinese food and sat in the garden having a few drinks. We also watched Wet Hot American Summer which I don't think many people over here have seen, but it's one of those films that is so funny every time you watch it. It's got a great cast too, Amy Poehler, Bradley Cooper, David Hyde Pierce, Paul Rudd and Elizabeth Banks would be the most well known from the cast but there's a lot of other great comedic performers including a few members of the cast of the early 90s MTV show The State.

Photo Credit: Here

On Saturday we went over to my boyfriend's parents' house and had a lovely barbeque with his family. We had lovely food, including strawberries, cream and meringues for dessert. In the afternoon we went to see Donnacha's parents building that they are renovating for their business and then for a stroll around town. We came back that evening and sat out in the garden drinking some wine and beer and listening to the Beatles, the Beach Boys, David Bowie and The Kinks. It was a really relaxing evening, I miss having a garden to sit in when the weather is nice. We had a lovely roof garden in our apartment building last year but unfortunately we didn't get to make much use of it.

Wilson- Niall's Lady Cat

The old kitchen in the building with amazing mustard yellow colour scheme

Donnacha messing about on the old staircase

Ice Cold Cider on a Warm Summer Evening

An old 2 pence piece that I found under some rubble at the building site. Lucky?


Donnacha's dog Snapper finished off the crisps

My new (new for me) Coach bag!

Bow Jewellery!

My man's watch

Donnacha's mom gave me these old sunglasses that were just gathering dust in a drawer

Modelling my new (old) sunnies

Align Left

This Guy

The weird outdoor chimney thing

On Sunday late morning we had a full Irish breakfast and then set off for home. It was a lovely weekend away but it's always good to be home. Last night we went to a gig in Anseo on Camden Street. Simon was playing bass for his new housemate's band. It was nice to catch up with friends and listen to some music to round off the weekend. My sister stayed over last night and we all watched the new episode of the IT crowd! It was great! It made me want to go back and rewatch all the other seasons. I'm sure I will at some stage.

The wonderful clouds on the way home

Sean Lynch and Friends

I was so happy to receive my coach bag in the post on Thursday! It's always nice to get something in the mail, but especially the day before payday. It's such a great bag, I can't believe how little I paid for it. Speaking of which, funny story; I got an email last night from the ebay user who sold me the bag. In the email she said that I owed her just over $11 extra for shipping because it cost her more than she thought it would. I found this absolutely hilarious and very confusing as it had been 2 weeks since I paid for the bag (which I paid for as soon as I was emailed the invoice) and the price that she quoted me as costing her was not the price on the envelope which I happened to still have. So really it only cost her a little over $5 extra for shipping. But the way I saw it, it was her who underestimated the shipping costs and I had paid the costs she had quoted under the item shipping and handling charges on the item page. I think she must be just chancing her arm that I would fall for it. Needless to say I retracted my positive feedback. What a joke! I love the bag anyway!

So that was my weekend. How was yours? Did you have any adventures?

Until next time...

Em xxx

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