1. Fleetwood Mac- Rumours

2. The Shins- Oh Inverted World

3. Red Hot Chili Peppers- Blood Sugar Sex Magik

4. REM- Out of Time

5. Pixies- Doolittle

6. Jeff Buckley- Grace

7. Elliott Smith- Figure 8

8. The Smith- The Smiths

9. John Frusciante- To Record Only Water For Ten Days

10. Neil Young- After The Gold Rush

Honourable Mentions:
Kate Bush- The Kick Inside; Peter Gabriel- So; Radiohead- The Bends; Jump Little Children- Magazine; Walking Concert- Run To Be Born; David Bowie- Let's Dance; My Bloody Valentine- Loveless; Paul Simon- Graceland; Talking Heads- Speaking in Tongues; John Frusciante- Shadows Collide With People
Top Ten of the past five years:
1. The National- High Violet

2. Fleet Foxes- Ragged Wood

3. Beach House- Teen Dream

4. Arcade Fire- The Suburbs

5. The Shins- Wincing The Night Away

6. Bon Iver- For Emma, Forever Ago

7. Coconut Records- Nighttiming

8.Radiohead- In Rainbows

9. She and Him- Volume One

10.Phoenix- Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

Honourable Mentions:
Rival Schools- Pedals; She and Him- Volume Two; Warpaint- The Fool; Yeah Yeah Yeahs- It's Blitz!; The Lonely Island- Incredibad; Fever Ray- Fever Ray; M Ward- Post-War; Imogen Heap- Speak For Yourself; Beach House- Beach House; Beach House- Devotion; Death Cab For Cutie- Narrow Stairs
Thank you so much to Cayce for her kind words about me, she's such a lovely girl, please check out her blog if you get a chance! What are your favourite albums? I'd be really interested to see what you would choose!
I'd like to pass the award on to:
Kait of Miss Kait Online
Kerry of My Orange Stilettos
Sara of Autumn, Coffee and Inspiration
Cindy of Cindy Ellison
Rosy of Raindrops on Rosy
All five ladies are so lovely and I look forward to seeing what 7 things they post about whether it's 7 facts about themselves or if they break the rules like me and tell us about their favourite music!
Hope you're having a great weekend so far!
Emma x