Saturday, April 16, 2011

Ten Things I Love About Music

This week the lovely Cayce of Madame Joy passed along the Versatile Blogger Award to me! I thought I would follow in her footsteps and share some of my favourite albums with you instead of the 7 facts. I thought it would be easy to pick 7 of my favourite albums but I ended up with a list of about 20, so I decided to do a list of my ten favourite albums of all time of which I love every song on the album and then my favourite ten albums of the past five years because there have been so many recent ones that have become quick favourites. I have to throw some honourable mentions in there too as choosing just ten was too difficult for me!They are in no particular order;

1. Fleetwood Mac- Rumours

2. The Shins- Oh Inverted World

3. Red Hot Chili Peppers- Blood Sugar Sex Magik

4. REM- Out of Time

5. Pixies- Doolittle

6. Jeff Buckley- Grace

7. Elliott Smith- Figure 8

8. The Smith- The Smiths

9. John Frusciante- To Record Only Water For Ten Days

10. Neil Young- After The Gold Rush

Honourable Mentions:

Kate Bush- The Kick Inside; Peter Gabriel- So; Radiohead- The Bends; Jump Little Children- Magazine; Walking Concert- Run To Be Born; David Bowie- Let's Dance; My Bloody Valentine- Loveless; Paul Simon- Graceland; Talking Heads- Speaking in Tongues; John Frusciante- Shadows Collide With People

Top Ten of the past five years:

1. The National- High Violet

2. Fleet Foxes- Ragged Wood

3. Beach House- Teen Dream

4. Arcade Fire- The Suburbs

5. The Shins- Wincing The Night Away

6. Bon Iver- For Emma, Forever Ago

7. Coconut Records- Nighttiming

8.Radiohead- In Rainbows

9. She and Him- Volume One

10.Phoenix- Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

Honourable Mentions:

Rival Schools- Pedals; She and Him- Volume Two; Warpaint- The Fool; Yeah Yeah Yeahs- It's Blitz!; The Lonely Island- Incredibad; Fever Ray- Fever Ray; M Ward- Post-War; Imogen Heap- Speak For Yourself; Beach House- Beach House; Beach House- Devotion; Death Cab For Cutie- Narrow Stairs

Thank you so much to Cayce for her kind words about me, she's such a lovely girl, please check out her blog if you get a chance! What are your favourite albums? I'd be really interested to see what you would choose!

I'd like to pass the award on to:

Cindy of Cindy Ellison

All five ladies are so lovely and I look forward to seeing what 7 things they post about whether it's 7 facts about themselves or if they break the rules like me and tell us about their favourite music!

Hope you're having a great weekend so far!

Emma x

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