I thought I'd share some photos of things that surround my desk, and my new lippie!
My cork board full of thank you notes, postcards and concert tickets
My dad got me this calender ornament in Germany
My new lipstick 'Kiss Me Coral' by Revlon. I've been meaning to get this shade for a while and I love it, it's so summery!
I'm working my way through ER season 10
Burt's Bees Body Lotion I got for Christmas, it's so glittery!
Kiss Me Coral!
On a more sombre note, we had an incident in our family yesterday and it really shook us all up. I can't really go into details because I don't think it would be fair for my family and it's not really my place to say anything but I just want to take this opportunity to ask for your thoughts and prayers (if that's your thing) especially for my mother who has been badly affected by this incident and needs some love sent her way. I'm sorry to be so cryptic, but I'm sure you understand that there are just some things you can't go into detail about on such a public forum.
I hope you're all having a better week than me! My week has flown by and we've been so busy in work. We also got paid a day early so I treated myself to a couple of online purchases which I'm sure I will share with you at some stage!
It's almost the weekend,
Have a good one!
Emma x